Path of Change

Fall is the time of the year that reminds us change can be ablaze with beauty. As humans, change can be difficult and scary, but also can bring us more into alignment. In speaking with several elders recently in my work, I was struck by their ease of embracing change. Each elder shared stories of change being good and necessary. This stood out to me as courageous and bold.

In our relationships with ourselves, there can be a tendency to do the same thing, to stay the same and do what we know. We feel that this will keep us safe, but it keeps us small and at some point boxed into what is no longer us. Sometimes I feel myself being pulled into doing what is familiar and easy, while also valuing being open to continue learning and growing.

In relationships I have witnessed how change can be so necessary. Some clients have shared about a partner, friend or family member wanting them to stay the same, and how that can become stifling overtime. Instead, when people can grow together, they co-evolve their relationship into deeper layers of connection.

In our relationship with the earth, change is all around us, both in beauty and despair. The changing leaves ignites our spirits with gratitude, while the vastly changing climate and impacts across ecosystems feels overwhelming and sparks fear. Inviting the lessons of the earth to guide us, changing how we relate to the earth in ways that benefit both humans and the earth can inspire new relationships and new ways of being in this wonderful wild world.

This fall as you take in the inspiration of this season, may you go forward guided by the earth’s wisdom and embrace the call to change.




Intuition as a Guide


Ecotherapy presentation for UG